Hello! I'm Avinash Bhat.


I am a graduate student in the School of Computer Science at McGill University advised by Professor Jin Guo. My research is in human-computer interaction with a goal of improving the usability of intelligent systems geared towards software engineering.

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firstname.lastname@mail.mcgill.ca | CV | | |

Previously I was a Software Engineer at Cisco Systems, Bangalore where I worked on enterprise tools for code reviewing and deployment. My Bachelors degree was in Computer Science and Engineering from the National Institute of Engineering, Mysore. During my undergrad, I briefly worked for two early stage startups, explored collaborative filtering algorithms in recommender systems, and did my final year project on contextual information retrieval for Wikipedia articles.


  • Do LLMs Meet the Needs of Software Tutorial Writers? Opportunities and Design Implications
    Avinash Bhat, Disha Shrivastava, Jin L.C. Guo (DIS 2024)
  • A Design Space for Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants
    Mina Lee, Katy Ilonka Gero, John Joon Young Chung, Simon Buckingham Shum, Vipul Raheja, Hua Shen, Subhashini Venugopalan, Thiemo Wambsganss, David Zhou, Emad A. Alghamdi, Tal August, Avinash Bhat, Madiha Zahrah Choksi, Senjuti Dutta, Jin L.C. Guo, Md Naimul Hoque, Yewon Kim, Simon Knight, Seyed Parsa Neshaei, Agnia Sergeyuk, Antonette Shibani, Disha Shrivastava, Lila Shroff, Jessi Stark, Sarah Sterman, Sitong Wang, Antoine Bosselut, Daniel Buschek, Joseph Chee Chang, Sherol Chen, Max Kreminski, Joonsuk Park, Roy Pea, Eugenia H. Rho, Shannon Zejiang Shen, Pao Siangliulue (CHI 2024)
  • A human-centered approach to designing effective large language model (LLM) based tools for writing software tutorials
    Avinash Bhat (MSc Thesis)
  • SUMMIT: Scaffolding Open Source Software Issue Discussion through Summarization
    Saskia Gilmer, Avinash Bhat, Shuvam Shah, Kevin Cherry, Jinghui Cheng, Jin L.C. Guo (CSCW 2023)
  • Approach Intelligent Writing Assistants Usability with Seven Stages of Action
    Avinash Bhat, Disha Shrivastava, Jin L.C. Guo (In2Writing 2023)
  • Aspirations and Practice of Model Documentation: Moving the Needle with Nudging and Traceability
    Avinash Bhat*, Austin Coursey*, Grace Hu, Sixian Li, Nadia Nahar, Shurui Zhou, Christian Kästner, Jin L.C. Guo (CHI 2023) *Equal contribution
  • A Novel Deterministic Framework for Non-probabilistic Recommender Systems
    Avinash Bhat*, Divya Madhav Kamath*, C. Anitha (IEMIS 2018) *Equal contribution


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